
We at Scream Diego want everyone to have fun.  But to make sure everyone has fun, we need to have some rules and regulations.

These might change without notice, but any change is to keep a fun and safe environment.

Costumes are encouraged! However, nudity or partial nudity will not be allowed, as this is a family-friendly event. No hate speech or symbols will be allowed as a part of your costume. See the weapons and props link below for more details on that.

Read below for more in depth about each our rules and regulations for our weapons/props and harassment policies.

Admission Badges and Wristbands

At check-in/registration, you will receive both a badge and a wristband.  You will need both to enter into the various Scream Diego event spaces.  They will be checked for at the entrance to every Scream Diego-related area. 


Photo/Video Recording

Photos and video recording are allowed. By attending Scream Diego you acknowledge that you may be photographed or video recorded at some point – by official Scream Diego staff or by other Scream Diego attendees. You are still to abide by appropriate behavior with respect to photographing fans, cosplayers, and other attendees. See our harassment policy for more information.


Animals and Pets

Animals and pets will not be allowed at Scream Diego.  It’s for their safety and protection, as well as for the guests of Scream Diego. Please leave your pets at home – this includes birds, reptiles, dogs, cats, zebras, elephants, horses, and pretty much every animal.



Scream Diego is a smoke-free event.  If you need to smoke, find an appropriate area at the Sheraton designated for smoking.


Outside Food and Drinks

Guests are permitted to bring their own food and drinks, as well as purchase some from the food venues on the Sheraton site.  However, while drinks and beverages will be allowed in the rooms, no food will be allowed in any of the Scream Diego pogramming rooms (panel rooms, dynamic room, exhibit hall, featured artist room, future room, video game room, tabletop room, etc).


Drugs and Alcohol

Drug use is not permitted and will not be tolerated during Scream Diego.


Weapons and Props

Scream Diego is a family-friendly event, and the rules regarding weapons are designed to keep everyone safe.


Scream Diego is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all persons attending the event. Any item that Scream Diego staff believes may be a weapon must be immediately taken to Prop Check for examination. Weapons and props that Scream Diego determines are admissible will be marked with a special tag and may be brought into all Scream Diego event spaces. Any weapon that Scream Diego considers to be inadmissible must be immediately removed from the event.


Failure to respect any of the weapon rules may result in any or all of the following:

  • Confiscation of weapon or prop, without return;
  • Loss of admission to Scream Diego without refund;
  • The involvement of law enforcement agencies.

Some weapons sold by Vendors are prohibited and are subject to the procedures in the Special Circumstances section below.

Admissible Weapons/Props are weapon(s) that have been examined at Prop Check and is permitted to be brought into Scream Diego. A small special tag will be affixed to the weapon to identify it as admissible.

Prop Check is the area at Scream Diego where all items that may be considered to be weapons are inspected by Scream Diego and determined to be either prohibited or admissible.


Prohibited Weapons and Props

  • Firearms of any kind;
  • Brass knuckles or metal chains;
  • Knives/blades or metal swords;
  • Cane swords, umbrella swords, or similar items;
  • Crossbows, pellet guns, air pistols, Nerf or similar type of foam gun, or any weapon that propels or has projectiles;
  • Replica firearms made from metal, solid resin/plastic/rubber;
  • Baseball bats, cricket bats, and hockey sticks
  • Skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, unicycles, bicycles, hoverboards, scooters, pogo sticks, spring shoes, jumping shoes, kangaroo shoes, and similar devices;
  • Wooden, plastic, and metal armor and/or shields that contain sharp medal edges; metal, wood, or hard plastic spikes, or other protrusions;
  • Nunchucks, tonfas, shurikens, or other martial arts weapons; and,
  • Law enforcement items such as batons, tasers, or mace.

Costume swords (metal or sharp) are admissible if they are secured in such a fashion that they cannot be drawn.


Weapons and Prop Procedure

  • Scream Diego reserves the right to require that any item entering the convention, or which is found to be anywhere within the event, be made available at any time for examination by Scream Diego staff to determine the item’s status.
  • Any item that Scream Diego staff determines may be a weapon must be immediately taken to Prop Check for examination. Weapons that already have a tag may be re-sent to Prop Check to validate the tag. Scream Diego staff may escort the weapon to Prop Check.
  • Admissible weapons will have a small identifying tag affixed to the weapon. The tag must remain on the weapon for the duration of the convention. Tampering, altering or removing the tag during the convention may result in the weapon being determined as prohibited and/or the removal of the person from the convention.
  • Prohibited weapons must be immediately removed from the convention center. They cannot be stored at Prop Check.
  • Any inappropriate behavior with a weapon, which puts the safety of any person or property at risk, will not be tolerated.
  • Failure to respect these requirements may result in the weapon being confiscated without return.

Special Circumstances for Prohibited Weapons Purchased from Exhibitors


Prohibited weapons on display and/or being sold by Vendors must be safely secured to the display surface if they are within reach of attendees (i.e. attendees must not be able to pick up the weapons). As part of normal shopping behavior, attendees are permitted to handle prohibited weapons – but must remain under the direct supervision of the Vendor.

Vendor may only display (including under the counter displays and items stored out of sight) or sell weapons or any other items that are permitted to be sold by all applicable laws and regulations and only to persons who are legally entitled to purchase and/or possess the weapon or item.

The display or sale of prohibited (illegal) weapons or items may result in an Exhibitor being removed from the convention and/or other actions deemed appropriate by Scream Diego.

Exhibitor Demos

For safety reasons, Vendors must not conduct demonstrations of prohibited weapons or other items in the aisles or other similar areas. Such demonstrations should be conducted behind the counter, table or within the allotted booth space, and must be supervised by the Vendor.

Vendor Sales of Prohibited Weapon Item

Once a weapon has been sold, it must be securely wrapped in thick paper or cardboard and cannot be taken out of such packaging at the convention. Vendors must remind the attendees buying weapons that if they are found opening the packaging on the convention hall floor, the weapon in question will be confiscated. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to inform attendees of the requirement to keep their purchased weapons securely wrapped while at the convention.

Admissible Items Purchased from Vendors

The Vendor must inform the attendee purchasing the weapon to bring said weapon or item to the Prop Check at the entrance and have it tagged as an admissible weapon. Exhibitors are required to explain to attendees that if the weapon is not tagged, they may be confiscated.

Harassment / Code of Conduct

Scream Diego has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment of any kind.  We share the same feeling as all other cons – COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT!

All Attendees, Performers, Artists, Vendors, Staff, Panelists, and Guests of Scream Diego are subject to the policy below.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to making inappropriate, discriminatory, and/or unwelcomed advances on the basis of race, color, sex, physical appearance, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other basis protected by applicable federal or state laws.

This policy includes the following prohibited behaviors or actions – intimidation, harassing photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, unwelcomed sexual attention or other verbal or physical conduct, stalking, or creating an intimidating or hostile environment by engaging in such conduct.

If you are being harassed or witness someone else being harassed, please contact a member of the Scream Diego staff immediately. The Scream Diego staff will contact security or assist those feeling they have experienced harassment.

The Scream Diego staff has sole discretion in determining what constitutes harassment under this policy and reserves the right to take immediate action against anyone who violates this policy, up to and including dismissal and eviction from the event with no refund.

Are you ready to SCREAM?!

We’re bloody ready to get slashing on this new and exciting event, celebrating all things horror! Get your tickets today!